This week has been a little crazy but a lot of fun. This post will be a bunch of random stuff that I haven't had time to post in a few days.

Last Thursday Ethan had the "show and tell" assignment for school. He wanted to take pictures of his newest sister to show off. When he got home from school that day, I found him in the living room showing Lauren the pictures of her and telling her about them. It was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen!

My neighbor Val gave me this diaper cake. In case you can't tell, it's a bunch of rolled up diapers that over lap each other to form the cake layers. I thought it was a pretty funny idea!

On Friday we said good bye to an old friend. This is Cody's 1986 Toyota 4-Runner that he has had since he got back from his mission. It took him through college and beyond, and this is the car we went on our first date in. The car still technically belongs to his parents, and since we have the van and the sedan now, we don't need the third car. So Cody's dad went back home to Idaho this weekend and drove the 4-Runner. We were both sad to see it go. Cody cleaned it all out on Thursday night and was torn up about it leaving. It's been a huge part of his life! He found his old student ID from Utah State in it and I laughed so hard when I saw the picture. He has gotten so old! We will miss you, Silver Bullet.

On Friday morning my mommy flew in from Texas!! I am so glad she was able to come up for the weekend. She hasn't seen General Conference live in 34 years and she got tickets to go. Leighann also came up for the weekend and the two of them got to go together. I am jealous that I couldn't go. I had to be home nursing a baby instead! They got to see the Saturday morning session and the Sunday afternoon session. So cool that Henry B. Erying got called to be in the First Presidency. He is my favorite apostle! Mom is coming back up for almost 3 weeks in November and we will bless Lauren at church during that time. I am so anxious to see her, and Dad and Philip are coming up for part of that time too! And of course Leighann will be here. She's always hanging around :)

Me and the Wee One catching some zzzz between conference sessions.