Where do I begin? How do I explain to you in a way that you'll truly understand and appreciate who he was and what he was to us? The lump in my throat as I write this may keep me from being able to write at all, as my fingers are almost paralyzed as I try to type.
Garrett lived an amazing thirty-nine months until a cruel act of fate took him from us. Born on a snowy night in April of 2011, he was ours for a little while and oh, how we loved him more than words can say.

That lump I mentioned? It's growing bigger and is now the size of a grapefruit.

Garrett was the youngest of our five children, and not even eighteen months younger than our number four. He and Devin were inseparable bosom buddies. Garrett loved everything Devin loved, including trains and toy cars and mud and dinosaurs and anything that was exciting.
He was a performer and loved to make people laugh, and sometimes we laughed until our sides hurt.
We're getting the laughter back, but it's taken a painfully long time.
There will never come a day when we won't cherish the time we had with him, nor will we ever stop missing him with an aching that can never be rectified.
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