Some freinds of ours are moving from our neighborhood. They are so lucky because they are moving to a part of Texas that is only 45 minutes from where my parents live! They have been busy cleaning and working on their house so they can sell it. Today we watched Andrew for a few hours while they got stuff done. I promise Andrew is one of the sweetest two year old boys I know. He reminds me a lot of Ethan when he was that age. He and Hailey get along great and it was a joy to watch him today. I am really going to miss his family! Today things got kind of quiet and when I went to find Andrew he was playing with baby dolls. And that's what he spent a big part of the day doing! Such a funny little guy.

Cody and I barely did anything today but houswork. Kind of a crummy way to spend a holiday, but then again it was crummy weather outside so there wasn't much else to do. None of us wanted dinner because we grazed all day. So we decided to get ice cream for dinner instead! What a fun way to spend the evening. BTW, Ethan is sitting by himself at the counter in this picture. He insisted in being a big kid. Kind of makes me sad!