I've had a couple of dear friends lose pregnancies recently. I've watched how it has hurt them. It seems like only yesterday that I was in their shoes, but then again it seems like a lifetime ago. I remember those first several days after it happened and how all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. And I did. It was a terrible time and I hope to never experience it again. For several nights I had vivid dreams about a baby boy. I could see every outline of his body, every wrinkle, ever strand of hair. I could smell his newborn scent. And then I'd wake up and hurt all over again.
I cried at least once a day for a month. Then in February when I found out I was pregnant again, I did everything I could not to get attached. I had a lot of cramping and I was certain that I was miscarrying again. It took me several weeks to let myself feel anything for the baby. I think once you're hurt you somehow distance yourself. Even after having three ultrasounds that confirmed things were progressing well, I couldn't bring myself to get too excited.
Then yesterday as I was lying on the u/s bed and we first realized the baby was a boy, I could have split in two from the happiness I felt. I don't know if I breathed during the whole procedure. I was terrified of the sonographer finding a problem. But item by item, she went down the checklist and everything shouted of a perfect baby.
I think that the painful dreams I had for so many nights about that baby boy were in fact the spirit's way of comforting me. At the time it seemed cruel, but I now know that the veil was thin and someone was trying to tell me "It's okay, everything is going to be fine..." Yesterday I had a full realization of it.
I know that in our times of heart ache that the Lord is with us. He knows our sorrows and He does what he can to comfort us. He lets us feel His spirit. And if we're patient, we'll eventually see that all things will be made right. I've seen this numerous times in my life and I need to remember it. My heart is full. Last night as I prayed I thanked the Lord profusely for allowing our family such a wonderful day. A lot can change for the better in six months.