I became two months old on December 11th. Everyone says the time is flying by quickly. I really can't tell. All I do all day is eat, sleep, poop, eat, sleep, poop...you get the idea. My days are quite boring. I was a fussy baby for a while there. Mommy says it lasted from about week four to week seven. Mommy cried a lot during that time. But we seem to have survived it nicely.
Now I am a joy most of the time. Everyone tells Mommy that I am the cutest thing ever. Why they say it to her and not to me...I don't understand that. I am the cute one after all. She is just the mommy. I have very squishable cheeks. I always hear people saying that.
I have a very funny hairline in front. It looks like an inverted widow's peak. I get comments on it a lot.
I have finally outgrown my puberty stage. I shouldn't hit that for another twelve years or so. I no longer smell like an oily old man all the time, and my cradle cap and acne is cleared up. I look like a baby again instead of a teenager.
I smile all the time, especially for Mommy. All she has to do is raise her voice to this silly level and I smile really big. She talks really funny too when she does that.
Somehow I acquired the name "Mr. Moo". I guess it is because I like milk so much. They even wrote a song about me and I always hear someone sing it to me first thing in the morning. It is to the tune of "Happy Birthday" and it goes like this-
Good morning Mr. Moo
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like poo poo
I always smile and squirm when someone sings this to me, especially when they sing it in that funny high pitched voice.
I fit perfectly into size 3-6 month clothes.
I had my two month check up on December 14th. Dr. Allred said I am a cookie cutter baby like my siblings. I don't understand what he meant by that. I weighed 12.5 pounds and I was 23 inches long. I don't know why they care so much about how big I am. Dr. Allred asked Mommy about my eating habbits. I like to eat a lot. I mean, A LOT!! Mommy makes really good milk. In fact, when I hear her voice I start looking around until I see her. And it's not because she has a nice face. It's because I know she has milk for me. I love milk.
I got shots at that check up. That was an experience unlike any other! I cried a lot. My brother and sisters got flu shots that day too. Mommy and the nurse had to both tackle my brother on the ground to give him a shot. I don't know why he cried so much. He only got one shot. I got four shots. They all got suckers. I didn't get anything and I got the most shots of all! I don't understand that one.
I like to watch people when they talk to me. I like to watch their mouths and I try to move my mouth to do what they are doing. When I do that, my chin starts to quiver and people think I might cry. But my chin doesn't quiver because I'm about to cry. It's just that I'm concentrating really hard. I think I am pretty smart to watch people so closely.
Mommy is my best friend. We always fall asleep at night together, sometimes holding hands. I like her smell and I nuzzle in closely to get a better smell of her. No one in this world can comfort me like she can. I hope she knows how much I love her. I want to take her to my prom one day. And I will let her come with me to college. She is a good mom. I wish every baby had a mom as good as her.
Now maybe she will have some time to journal about me at three months. I might have to do it again. We'll see!