One of our favorite dates is dinner and a comedy show. Before we got married we had the opportunity to see some great comics live on stage, but married life and five kids seems to hender that. In November I caught wind that one of our VERY favorite comedians was coming to town on tour, Jim Gaffigan. The guy is high-lar-ious. And the best part is that he is clean too! Not too common to see a comedy show that will leave you in stitches but also be something you could take your parents all to and not be uncomfortable while watching with them. Anyway, Cody and I decided to just buy tickets and hope and pray that fate was on our side and we could find a sitter, Garrett would be willing to take a bottle by then, and that all of us would be healthy! Otherwise, that would be a lot of good money down the comode.
January 13th came and the only one on our family who was sick was...Cody. But he wasn't THAT sick and was still up to going. We actually got TWO baby sitters because leaving all five little kids with only one teenager would be a disaster (let me just say that we paid through the nose for TWO sitters for almost five hours!) We grabbed some dinner at a really great Chinese place called Pei-Wei and then headed up to Kingsury Hall on the U campus. It was awesome walking through our old stomping ground hand in hand. It was the first time we had been on a real date, just the two of us, since Garrett was born nine months before. As we walked, we laughed at the irony of how simple our lives were a decade ago when we both attended the U and how we never could have imagined back then that almost a decade later we'd be on a date there with our five kids back at home.

The show was amazing! It was better than either of us was hoping for! A guy named Keith Stubbs opened for him, and that alone was a great act. We laughed so hard! But by the time Gaffigan came out...we were in tears from laughter within the first five minutes. He and his wife just had their fourth baby and Cody and I could relate to everything he was poking fun at.
"My wife has an open door policy where each night she allows the kids to come into our room to pee in the bed." And
"People ask me what it's like when that fourth baby is born. I tell them to imagine you are drowning...and then someone gives you a baby to hold." I think we are going to buy some of his DVDs and CDs. It was such a fun night!