"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau
Friday, December 31, 2010
Old Blog, Back In Business

Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Favorite Website
I have always been the type who would rather receive a big gift certificate to a place like Home Depot, rather than any other store. I love the sound of a power saw and I love the smell of sawdust. Most of my childhood Saturdays were spent watching my Dad build or repair something. I loved waking up on those mornings to the roar of one of his many power tools coming from the garage.
It's been on my to-do list to clean out our garage and create a work space for building things. I do most of my projects in our unfinished basement, but since we have plans to finish off parts of it in the near future, my current workspace will be no more. I have a million projects running through my brain on a daily basis of things I'd like to build and create. One of my favorite things to do is inventory our house, see what items we are in need of for our growing family (most of them are always furniture of some sort) and hit the second hand stores to see what I can find. I think I have a good eye when I find something that I can make something else out of. It's kind of a passion of mine.
I was elated when I came across this website that has a hundreds of different plans for building toys, furniture, shelves, and many other things from wood. I am a huge fan of the store Pottery Barn, but not a huge fan of the price tag on anything. I am attracted to their stuff because of the clean lines and simple designs, but we'd have to take out another mortgage to afford the furnishings that I drool over. www.ana-white.com is a site that has many "knock-off" design plans from expensive places such as Pottery Barn. She has everything laid out for even the most inexperienced builders. Do yourself a favor and check it out!! Her designs are absolutely amazing. Now my motivation for cleaning out the garage has sky rocketed!
It's been on my to-do list to clean out our garage and create a work space for building things. I do most of my projects in our unfinished basement, but since we have plans to finish off parts of it in the near future, my current workspace will be no more. I have a million projects running through my brain on a daily basis of things I'd like to build and create. One of my favorite things to do is inventory our house, see what items we are in need of for our growing family (most of them are always furniture of some sort) and hit the second hand stores to see what I can find. I think I have a good eye when I find something that I can make something else out of. It's kind of a passion of mine.
I was elated when I came across this website that has a hundreds of different plans for building toys, furniture, shelves, and many other things from wood. I am a huge fan of the store Pottery Barn, but not a huge fan of the price tag on anything. I am attracted to their stuff because of the clean lines and simple designs, but we'd have to take out another mortgage to afford the furnishings that I drool over. www.ana-white.com is a site that has many "knock-off" design plans from expensive places such as Pottery Barn. She has everything laid out for even the most inexperienced builders. Do yourself a favor and check it out!! Her designs are absolutely amazing. Now my motivation for cleaning out the garage has sky rocketed!

I have been eyeing the retro style play kitchen from PBK for years, ever since Hailey was a toddler. But the entire set costs about $800 and who in their right mind would pay that?? When I was in kindergarten my class had an amazing little wooden kitchen in the class and I always wanted one. I came across these plans for this kitchen on www.ana-white.com and about died. I have it in the works to make this for the girls for NEXT Christmas, but I think I may do more or a retro red, black, and chrome color scheme. We'd likely keep it in the basement family room and I'd like the little boys to be able to use it also as they get older.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning the kids were up at about 7:30, which was just perfect. Our kids have never been early risers so 7:30 was actually a little early for them to wake up voluntarily. They came in and got us, but we had given them strict instructions that they were NOT allowed to go look down in the living room until they came and got us. So get us they did, and we had family prayer, brushed hair, went to the bathroom, woke Devin and changed his diaper. Then it was time for the Christmas line up picture at the top of the stairs. We checked the plate of cookies, and sure enough, it was almost empty. In place of cookies and carrots, we found a letter from Santa. He is very good aout leaving us a thank you letter for the cookies, and he always tells the kids if he thinks they have been naughty or nice. This year, the report said that they had been pretty naughty, but pretty nice too. Santa really DOES know our family!

This year, Santa gave-
Ethan- Iron Man gear, Atalantis Legos, and a new Buzz Lightyear.
Hailey- A penguin pillow pet, an Easy Bake Oven (or a "bakery set up" as she has called it for months) and a Barbie animal swimming pool.
Lauren- A panda pillow pet, ice cream Play Dough, and a glmour Barbie swimming pool.
Devin- A gorilla pillow pet, a Buzz Lightyear ride on toy, and a muscial stuffed doggie.
They also scored super big time with stuff in their stockings! More legos, loads of candy, lotion, lip gloss, tools, camp stuff, toys, nail polish, cookies, gummy bears, bubble gum, books, and they each got a new movie.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Eve

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