"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Christmas Elf

On December 1st we started our advent. I am really loving this idea because each day it gives me a little much needed direction. Even though I have at least a million things that I have to get done, this seems to break it up a little and give me a goal that I really WANT to do. It was Lauren's turn on Wednesday to open the first drawer and see what activity the Box told us to do.

Wednesday, December 1- Go look on the front porch to see if the Christmas Elf left anything for us. After everyone is bathed and ready for bed, gather in the living room for a message from President Uchtdorf.

“Heavenly Father’s love for His children is the core message of the plan of happiness, which plan is made active through the Atonement of Jesus Christ – the greatest expression of love the world has ever known. How clearly the Savior spoke when He said that every other commandment hangs upon the principle of love. If we do not neglect the great laws – if we truly learn to love our Heavenly Father and our fellowman with all our heart, soul and mind – all else will fall into place. The divine love of God turns ordinary acts into extraordinary service. Divine love is the motive that transports simple words into sacred scripture. Divine love is the factor that transforms reluctant compliance with God’s commandments into blessed dedication and consecration.” LOOK FOR WAYS TO SHOW LOVE TO EVERONE THIS CHRISTMAS.

We had to wait super long to open the box, because Dad had to work late. He didn't get home until 7:30, but it was great having him there. The kids' faces were pricless as they heard that the Elf had brought them something. I like that we give them their Christmas jammies and socks early in the month so they can enjoy them for much longer than one night. What a fun way to kick off the season!

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