"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Can I tell you a little secret? I am ready for a change. As much as I love certain things about living where we do, I am ready for a new adventure. Maybe it's my nomadic nature coming through. I'm not sure why I've been feeling antsy for so long, but the feeling is not going away. Cody has a good job and he works for an AMAZING company. I wouldn't want him to have to change companies, but the good news is that his caompany has plants in several parts of the country...and in Europe. I don't want to move to Europe (okay, I would totally go to Europe if it wasn't permanant and if it weren't so far away from family. Cephalon has a big manufacturing plant right outside of Paris. PARIS! And they have an office in Ireland and Spain and The Netherlands and Germany...) but if he were to get transfered to a different part of the country I would be excited. Is that terrible of me? Whew, it feels good to openly admit that. I'm sure it won't ever happen, but I have been fantasizing about it lately. Okay, confession over and I feel good. I don't think anyone reads this blog anymore so it's not like I'll offend anyone by saying this. I'm merely sending it out to the void.


Audrey said...

You're wrong. I read it. Don't move!!

Bel said...

I read it : ) But I totally know what you mean, sometimes you just look forward to a little change. I have to confess I want to move to Europe, maybe in a couple of years, hehe!

Chambers Clan said...

it's funny that I have been wanting to move since we got to our house, and our neighbor - and my best friend - who doesn't want to move is now in Maryland, and we are stuck here...for who knows how long. I totally know the feeling!

Janice and Jessica said...

I read your blog!!!!!

Girl, I feel your pain. I have that urge myself. I have always lived in Virginia but took a recent trip to Nevada. Loved, loved, loved the weather but terribly missed the green trees and grass of home.

I'm sure it will all work out.

Joey and Nettifer said...

I would move in a heart beat to anywhere in the world! You aren't the only one!

Life's a Dance said...

Paris - totally! Go for it! Life only happens once.

Becky said...

You know I know that feeling!