Hailey is turning five on Wednesday, and as part of her week long celebration she and I hit the day spa today for manis and pedis. We had such a great time! The bad part is that Lauren was hysterically sad before we left the house, because didn't know why she couldn't go. I promised her a million times that she could go next time, but that today was HAILEY's specialy day...just like she will have her own special day around her next birthday. I bought her a pink bottle of nail polish from the spa to appease her a little, and it kind of worked.
Before the spa, we had lunch. I let Hailey pick whatever place she wanted, and of all places she picked Subway! Such an easy to please girl. It was fun sitting there talking the whole time. We talked about what she wants for her birthday and what she wants for dinner that night. Then on the way to the spa she wanted me to tell her all about the day she was born. I got a little choked up as I relayed the events and it hit me that she is FIVE YEARS OLD. Where has the time gone?
At the spa Hailey was a little nervous. I absolutely love the Garden Day Spa here in town and I've had my hair cut there for years now. And every once in a while my sweet husband surprises me with a gift certificate to that place, for no reason at all and I love to get a massage, facial, and a pedi . When we got down into the basement (which is the spa treatment area) it was a little dark and very quiet with strange music playing. Hailey was nervous and didn't know why it was so dark, so I explained to her about "relaxation". Once we got into the pedi room and she saw how light it was, she felt a lot better.
We sat in chairs side by side and we had the most amazing girls working on our nails! They were so sweet and so attentive. They couldn't stop saying how adorable and grown up Hailey was. She picked her color of polish, which was of course purple. EVERYTHING that this girl likes is purple. Hailey kept saying "Mom, next time we should bring Lauren. She'd love this place!" Such a sweet big sister. Yup, I decided that next time we come Lauren will surely be coming along. I think I might bring the girls back for another special day right before they have their ballet recital in March.
I love having girls!!!