"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ethan Is 7

This boy is SEVEN years old! Can't believe it. I've been doing a lot of pondering lately, given that I was having my very first baby exactly SEVEN years ago, and now I am having my last baby exactly SEVEN years later. And we will soon and forever be a family of exactly SEVEN people. I do believe that SEVEN has become our new favorite number.
Ethan came home from school and was very excited to see his presents and sign waiting for him, along with the decorated house that he woke up to that morning. For dinner he chose home grilled cheeseburgers and fries. For his birthday treat, he wanted brownies. We are for sure a brownie loving family! Ethan would not let me make his burger for him, but rather wanted to do it all by himself. He was very careful and precise and I do believe he made a fantastic burger!

The kid made out like a bandit. This has been a year of loving all things Legos and models. Pretty much anything he can build himself, he loves. Between Mom and Dad and grandparents, he got several new Lego sets. He has been working on those for a week now and is very good at putting them together himself. And thanks to a bunch of new plastic shoe boxes, he's been good at keeping each set together. He also got a Star Wars Y-Wing model kit and he and Dad finally got a chance to put it together today after church.
My brother Joseph and I loved Calvin and Hobbes when we were kids and I hoped to pass that onto my own kids. Ethan got his first Calvin and Hobbes comic book and at first he didn't know what to think of it, but within a few days he came to me and said "Mom, this is the coolest comic book ever!" Along the line of books, he also got the first Harry Potter book (he has really gotten into that story since seeing the first two movies recently). Aunt Kara gave him the complete "Little House on the Prarie" book set (and a McDonald's gift card). Yes, those books are for boys also and since there is a picture every three pages, he will soon grow to love those books as well. We love having another avid reader in the family!

He also received the traditional $10 in quarters from Grandpa, a Lego movie and book, Silly Bandz, Star Wars Episode I on DVD, and $25 in cash from his great grandmother.
We love you Ethan, and are so happy you are part of our family! Happy birthday!

1 comment:

Joey and Nettifer said...

happy birthday! My heck what fun gifts he got and did he even got little house on the prarie book set! Love it! Boy after my own heart!