"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Devin Joseph- 5 Months Old

Five months ago tonight I was being hoisted out of my hospital bed by two nurses. It was the first time I'd been allowed to walk since the surgery. Eight hours had gone by since my sweet baby number four entered this world. Cody was sitting in the rocking chair near my bed, snuggling with our new bundle of joy. I was feeling evidence that my entire abdomen had been sliced and stretched as far as humanly possible to make room for Devin to emerge. It hurt. It hurt a lot.

It's hard to believe it has been five months already. I wish I could freeze time, right here, right now. Life is precious with these little ones at the exact ages they are now. Six, four, two, and five months. Oh how I am loving life. Some days are better than others, but each day brings such sweet blessings to us.

Here are some things Devin is doing these days-

-He grabs everything. His little hands have figured out that they can hold things, so if something is within his reach he is figuring out that he can take hold of it. He isn't quite to the point of grabbing anything and everything, but he does love to have things in his hand.

-Everything goes in his mouth. The second he has something in his hand, he puts it straight into his mouth and drool starts pouring out. So gross, yet so adorable.

-Belly laughs escape him. Real belly laughs, the kind that seem almost uncontrollable. The kind that once he starts, he can't stop.

-He is in a size 3 diaper and 9 month clothes.

-He is SOOO ticklish. His thighs, behind the knee, arm pits, neck, and collar bone. Oh, and one other very personal place that I won't disclose here. Use you dirty imagination. Every time he gets his diaper changed he starts laughing hysterically. One of these days I MUST get it on video. His laughs are so cute so you can imagine that gets tickled a LOT.

-How he loves the boobie. Yup, still nursing strong with no end in sight. I continue to be all he needs. Maybe at six months we will try solids, or maybe not. His growth is still exceptionally good so I feel no need to start supplementing with any kind of nutrients. Not now any way. Tonight I let him taste a tiny dab of Yoplait strawberry yogurt (my all time favorite). He played with it with his tongue and then made a disgusted face. We won't do that again for a while.

-When he nurses I can't talk to him like I once could. He's at that stage where when he hears my voice he immediately comes off and looks up at me with a huge grin on his face. And there us that ever present trickle of milk that pours from the corner of his mouth. As much as I love to see him smile at me like that, he has to eat! So I pretend like he isn't there so he can focus on the task at hand.

-Separation anxiety has started to set in. When I am in eye shot he kicks his legs and arms viciously and smiles and breathes hard. He is oh so excited when he can see me. But the moment I go out of sight, even if just for a few seconds, he gets very upset. He wants to look at me all the time, and I love it.

-Daddy is growing on him. As long as he knows I am in the room, he is okay to play with Daddy. And Daddy sure adores his baby boy. It's fun to watch them get to know each other.

-He loves his Bumbo chair. I don't know what I ever did with out one of those!

-I don't know which he loves more. Nursing or having his pants changed. He gets equally excited for both.

-He naps in his swing most of the time. Since he doesn't have a room of his own, I have to constantly move his swing around the house depending on where the quietest location is at the moment. And that place is usually far away from his sisters!

-Ethan is one of his best friends, more so than his sisters. I think mainly because Ethan is mellow and he just sits there and talks to Devin, trying to make him laugh. Ethan doesn't feel the need to put jewelry on him or paint his fingernails. He doesn't feel the need to bring him every one of his toys, blankets, pillows, and pile everything on him at once. No, he just sits there and talks to him. Devin already adores Ethan.

-I love that he is in a routine for the most part. He takes a lengthy nap in the morning, usually an hour after he first wakes up. Then he takes another lengthy nap in the afternoon, which usually overlaps a bit with piano lessons (which is great for Mommy!). He and I lie down to nurse for the last time around 9:00 at night, then after he is asleep I sneak out of bed to finish up nightly chores. Then he usually has another small snack when I crawl back into bed around midnight. Sometimes he wakes up during the night to eat, sometimes he doesn't.

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