"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, April 15, 2018

UK Day 1- Getting There

For the sake of this journal, I've decided to omit the boring and frustrating details that contributed to making this trip so difficult.  I'll include a few of them, but no one (myself included) wants to hear or remember the knitty gritty of how so much fell apart and how we almost got a divorce on our fourth day.  That being said, the shuttle picked us up from our house at 9:00 a.m. and our first flight into Atlanta left Salt Lake at 11:15.  The airport wasn't terribly busy and no one got lost.  However, about two minutes before take-off, I discovered that Devin's bag was missing.

We'd spent weeks packing and repacking bags, trying to calculate how to make things fit so we could each get away with one small bag.  I'd even configured a strap to Devin and Lauren's bags so they could attach their car booster seats and drag them wherever we went.  As it stood, Devin had left his bag and booster sitting at the gate and luckily, I noticed just in time and the crew was able to get it (thank goodness it was still sitting where he'd left it) and we were off!

Our first leg was just under four hours and we got into Atalanta about 5:00 eastern time.  I heard that airport is the biggest/busiest in the continental US, and I don't think that was an exaggeration.  We took an extremely long tram to get to the correct terminal for our next flight. We had time to use the facilities and grab something to eat, only to find out that they had overbooked and were trying to figure out where to put our large group.  Fan-freaking-tastic.  At one point I was very worried that we'd get bumped, because 90% of the flight had already boarded, and we were still waiting at the gate.  Finally, we got on , but were all separated around the plane.  Luckily, people were nice enough so the girls were seated together and six rows back from me, and Cody and the boys were together in one row.

I was sandwiched between two LARGE men in the center of the row and I could barely move through the whole eight hour flight.  It was loooooong.  I did a little bit of school work, a little bit of writing, and watched three movies. "Goodbye Christopher Robbin", "Home Again", and "The Shape of Water". We flew Delta, and the flight service was remarkable.  The meals weren't bad, and they were wonderful about making sure our kids were happy and taken care of. I tried to get the kids to sleep, but that was a joke.  I knew we'd be landing in London at midnight our time, and that it would make for a very difficult Friday.  The only one who slept at all was Devin, and I was right.  Only I had no idea just HOW difficult our Friday was going to be.  

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