"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Cub Scout Day Camp

Knowing this is the last Cub Scout I have on earth, knowing this shouldn't be my last boy to go through the program but accepting that he is, I decided to seize the opportunity and chaperone both days at Day Camp this year.  Even though it was extremely hot and dusty and the regional forest fires severely exacerbated my asthma, it was absolutely worth it to go and see Devin in his element.  

The first day, I drove these cute little monsters.  Zoram, Carson, Kade, Chase, and Devin.  As soon as they got in the car and we pulled away, the poop and fart talk started.  Yup, I'd say they are definitely eight-year-old boys!  Day one at Camp Tracy was in the section they've turned into the "Shire", and they even named it "Cubshire."  The theme was all things knights and swords and magic and adventure having.  Right out of the shoot, all Devin wanted to do was visit the trading post so I humored him, and he bought a coon-skin cap and [another] pocket knife.  Come to find out, boys were only allowed to purchase pocket knives IF they had a parent there to sign a waiver.  A Scout leader didn't count; it had to be a parent.  Needless to say, most of the boys did not have a parent with them, so they were bummed and super envious of the boys who got to buy knives.  

Learning to fence with PVC

Getting knighted at the end of the day
 Day two was at another section of the camp; a place I'd never been in past years.  Day two was all about frontier life, trapping, shooting, etc.  It was like a mini rendezvous, which was perfect for me!  At the end of the day the kids did leather working right by a great big tipi, but by then I needed a break from the boys.  I sneaked inside the tipi and lied down on the cool dirt floor, but it took no time at all for the boys to find me inside.  They piled in and soon started kicking up the dirt, and I knew it would wreak havoc on my lungs that were already struggling because of the nearby smoke.  Sure enough, I couldn't get out because the boys were blocking the tiny door, and my lungs started constricting right away.  This asthma thing is NO JOKE, and I had an attack before I could get away from the dust storm.  Luckily, two puffs on my inhaler opened things up enough, but I was struggling the rest of the day.

Overall, both days were a lot of fun, and I had a great time getting to know the other chaperones a little better.  On the second day, I was lucky enough to partner up with my good friend, Audrey, who always makes things more fun!  I'm sad that next year will be my last year to go to Cub Day Camp.  I'm sad that Garrett won't be there, when he's supposed to be.  I'm sad that those two brothers will never be Scouts together.  I'm sad about so many things, but I sure am grateful that I got to spend quality time with one of my favorite boys and his stinky friends.

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