"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hey there...

This is me, over here in a different corner of the universe. I'm far more comfortable here.  There's a lot going on in the great abyss of social media and after fighting censorship (long story), I decided it's time to part ways. I'm quite unhappy in the land of social media, where Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) fight from the comfort and security of their phones while sitting on their couches and toilets. While they sit, secluded behind screens, as their thumbs and fingers aptly tell you why everything you think and feel is wrong, and that everything they think and feel is right.

I'm just tired of it.  I like to talk about my family. About my pets. About my love of tea and meadows of flowers and good books and recipes and sewing and the pressure of graduate school and about house projects and my hopes and dreams for life.  I like to connect with people in the same regard, about the same things.  I have enough going on in my difficult life that's bad.  I have enough heartache and tragedy.  I can't take the hatred and stone throwing a minute longer.  I hate making a post, and holding my breath to see what SJW out there is going to mock my beliefs and tell me what a piece of garbage I am because I don't think the "right" way. Or seeing that I have a dozen new messages in my inbox; most of which have a negative connotation. I hate that feeling in my stomach. But more than anything, I hate this invisible entity to whom I've allowed such jurisdiction over my mood, my feelings of self-worth, and my ability to feel peace. 

Nah, no thanks.  I'll go back to my tea and books. 

But I'd still like to connect.  I've gone back to old-fashioned letter writing.  Maybe you've received a letter from me this week.  I'm trying to get around to many of you.  I love you and put great value on you in my life.  I will make a weekly update to this blog, and you're free to jump on and see what we've been up to. I will do my best to post at least once a week- usually on a Sunday night. It will typically be the mundane comings and goings of our family, but sometimes I'll have something deeper to talk about if the mood hits me.  My weekly blogs will be posted on my Facebook page, but I will not respond to comments through that avenue.  If you want to talk to me, write to me. Email me. Send me a comment through Blogger. Call me on the phone.  Text me. Whatever and however you want, but I will no longer be a contributor to Facebook other than my Living for Garrett page where I will continue to talk about drowning prevention and water safety from time to time. But on my personal page?  All you will see from me is a weekly link to my blog update, or the occasional home video link. 

I have enormous political views and beliefs.  ENORMOUS. But I value your friendship more than I value the need to be right, and social media is stripping me of the ability to remain civil, let alone kind.  Let's not venture down that road. That being said, this is my safe place where I can be more myself.  I hope you will come along and remain in my life.  



Anonymous said...

So glad to have other ways to still connect. I whole heatedly agree with you. Social media is total garbage to anyone's happiness at this point.

Katrina Matos said...

So true! I also find the NEED to take breaks from social media bc it’s overwhelming in many negative ways. Love this & you, and will find ways to connect. ❤️

Katie said...

It's like you are reading my mind. You are not alone. I'm always up to a good call/text anytime with you. Maybe we can talk about baking too. Love you. ��

Lynnette Crockett said...

I noticed that you disappeared. I have missed your posts, but I look forward to your blogs! Stay safe, stay happy, stay well!