"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Newsies production began in January and was supposed to be wrapped up the second weekend in June.  Well, COVID had other plans.  Honestly, I don't know how this show came together like it did.  Social distance rehearsals?  Zoom workshops and rehearsals in the midst of remote school learning? Man oh man, it was hectic.  I did some costuming again and truly enjoyed it...for the most part.  There were three casts this time, with drastically different body types and sizes for the same character.  That always creates a unique challenge for a seamstress, but it's a welcome challenge because I always learn something new and get better. The kids made some incredible new friends this go, and I never DON'T fall completely in love with the kids and their families. It's difficult to work closely with people and not grow to love them.  

The performances took place over nine nights.  I worked concessions with some of my favorite people each night, with the exception of Garrett's death anniversary when we hid at home (the kids were not performing that night, so it worked out great). I sure love my fellow theatre families, and I got to know some new ones while working this show.  Did I already say how much I love our theatre family? No? Okay, I really love our theatre family and cannot imagine life without them! Because there's an enormous amount of downtime during performances for a lot of actors, we do a lot of talking. Lots of talking and braiding hair.  Isn't that funny? A couple of the kids were talking about music and that they want to learn to play guitar, and I said that I play.  On the second night, I brought one of my guitars to let them dink around on. Well, somehow it turned into a kumbaya session each night, with a full blown sing-a-long during each intermission.  It was an absolute blast, and the musical/vocal talent of these kids blows me away! 

Because this show was dragged out for so long, it was more of a relief when it ended.  There were still lots of tears. but I don't think any of the parents are missing the 1:00 a.m. end of the day that we experienced for two weeks straight. It made for some exhausting days and nights, but it was so worth it. Words can't express my appreciation for their theatre and those who devote their lives to the teaching and betterment of these kids. There's nothing but love from their directors and producers, and they're changing lives, one kid at a time. 

Our amazing Livvy, who dedicates all she has to these kids!  She celebrated her birthday during one of the fourteen hour days during tech week, so we surprised her with a cake! 

Lauren as Morris Delancey. 

Ethan as Mr. Wiesel.

I made these framed posters for each of the directors and producers, which the entire cast signed.  

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I missed you all the night you were gone and totally didn't connect why you were gone. You have a beautiful family and I am so touched by the way you live and the way you grieve. This is a wonderful summary of the Newsies experience. You have a way with words and fabric and so many other things.