"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Texas July 25

It was kind of on a whim, but late Saturday afternoon I got the hankering to run over to Granbury.  It's a beautiful little town with all kinds of fun shops and places to explore.  It's about a forty minute drive, and Evelyn and Lilly decided to tag along.  Let me just say, it was HOT.  But when we got to the town square, we saw a street performer dressed like a Spartan with flowing golden robes and a wreath on his head, and he was playing the saxophone!!  For one brief minute, I forgot how hot I was and just watched and listened to him play with such gusto.  I'm mad that I didn't get a picture, because he was fabulous!! 

We had to wear our masks inside a few stores, but being an extremely RED state and even redder town (i.e. conservative republican) many places scoffed at the mask thing and not only didn't make you wear a mask, but insisted that you NOT wear a mask.  Especially in the Trump store.  I'll say that Texas is a Trump loving place and if you don't care for Trump, it's best that you stay away.  It's borderline creepy how many billboards there are, and I'm not even talking about election billboards.  Nothing normal that says "Trump/Pence 2020." No, I'm talking full on, "God bless Donald Trump" or "Trump will save us" signs everywhere.  It's crazy!  

We grabbed ice cream in the little candy store, and eating it outside, it melted faster than we could eat it. We then stopped in this lovely bookstore and even though I was trying not to spend a lot of money that day (Yeah, why go to Granbury when you're trying to be frugal? Because I have an enormous tuition payment due this month) I let Ethan and Devin each buy a book. Ethan bought a novel called "Hush" and Devin bought a book all about D-Day.  That history and science loving kid's latest obsession is Omaha Beach, and he's already read more than half of it.  Before we headed home, we ate dinner in a little place called The Pit Stop.  Even though it was a Saturday night, the square was pretty empty and we didn't have to wait for a table.  It was eerie! A normal Saturday night on the square is sure to be busy.  I guess I should thank COVID?  That sounds kind of wrong, but thank you COVID. 

I have to mention that we spent many late nights watching "Community" which is streaming on Netflix.  That show is ridiculously funny, and even funnier when watching it with Philip.

Jeff: Troy sneezes like a girl!

Troy: Oh yeah? And I'm gonna pound you like a boy! (Wait, that didn't come out right...)

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