"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Friday, October 18, 2013

Halloween Costumes

 Tonight was our church's Halloween party and since I was getting them ready anyway and it was a "somewhat" stress-free evening (meaning we weren't rushing from school, to a parade, to a work party, to dinner, and then to trick-or-treat with friends) I decided to do their annual costume photo shoot.  This year we decided to make the kids utilize costumes that we already had on hand.  They weren't too happy about it because they are in the habit or getting new stuff every year (especially Ethan), but they ended up having fun going though old stuff to come up with new stuff.  I think we spent less than $25 on Halloween this year.
Garrett Allan- 2 1/2 years old
 Since Devin and Garrett are obsessed with all things "Toy Story", going as Buzz and Woody was perfect.  Ethan went as Buzz when he was two years old, and the costume fit Garrett very well.  But the stinker threw a major fit when I tried to get him dressed in it.  He screamed and thrashed and became possessed.  I had to bribe him with about a million things to make him calm down and sit for a few pictures.  He refused to wear the hood, but I'm grateful for the pictures I got.  As you can see, he was way more interested in ringing the doorbell and running in to lock me out.  He's good at being two years old. 

 My neighbor was getting rid of this Woody costume so I snatched it up for $5 a few weeks ago.  Score!  Devin was super excited about it and he was perfectly happy to let me take pictures!

Devin Joseph- 4 years old

 Lauren went back and forth between a fairy (wearing an old ballet costume and fairy wings from their dress up box) or a University of Utah cheerleader (already have the outfit).  In the end, she went with a pirate.  She already had the shirt and skirt, so I bought her the patch, earring, tights, and the head wrap and sword came from the boys' dress up box.  Score again!

Lauren Elizabeth- 6 years old

 Hailey wore an old ballet costume that actually served as a mouse costume when their studio did "Cinderella" last year.  But it worked great to add cat ears that they already had to make it a cat.  I bought a face painting set and turned her face into a cat, and voila!  I think it turned out okay.

Hailey Jane- 7 1/2 years old

 Ethan was the hard one to please.  Because he is the oldest and he gets everything brand new, he's not used to recycling clothes or anything at all.  He has always gone as a super hero of sorts, and this year we tried to sell him on going as Tony Stark, which we had some great ideas for.  But he didn't love the idea and kept pouting about not getting a new costume.  I had an old black cloak and I suggested going as "Death".  When I said I'd buy him an ax to go with it, he loved it immediately. 
Ethan Gilbreth- 9 1/2 years old

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