"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Big 4-0

Cody turned the big 4-0 last Thursday the 10th.  I can't believe I have been with this guy since he was 27.  Over a quarter of his life!  And it's been a fantastic 13 years.  Full of crazy ups and downs, joy and sorrow, and a LOT of love.  I'm so happy to call him "mine".

Since I had surgery and have been pretty much useless, the kids kind of ran the show.  A year ago I had plans to do something bigger for his birthday, like have friends over for a cook out or something, but it turned out to be a good thing that my plans didn't work out because the weather was terrible that day.  It rained cats and dogs and was dark by 5:00.  Jane and Allan got in to town and came over as a stop in on their way to catch a plane on Friday for vacation, so they were here for dinner and celebrations.  It was great to have them

I drove up to Layton to pick up BBQ from Cody's favorite restaurant, and after that drive on my foot I vowed to never drive that far again until I am much more healed.  By the time I got home I was in a lot more pain than when I left, but it was well worth it for my guy.  We had dinner and then kids put on a program that they pretty much came up with themselves.  It turned out to be HILARIOUS.  I still don't know why they insisted on wearing fake mustaches, but it made it so much better that they did.  They spent the afternoon making pictures and signs of "Things That Are Older Than Dad".  Rocks, dirt, the sun, the locomotive, cave men, volcanoes, etc.  So funny!  And with my help they put together a list of 40 things they loved about Dad.  It was awesome!

We had Cody's favorite berry cake and it dawned on me that I have made 12 of those cakes for him.  It's what he wants every year and we all love it.  Black was the theme of the night and we put 40 black candles on his cake and he blew them out in a single puff of breath!  I'm surprised it didn't set off the smoke alarm with how much smoke it created.  For presents Cody got a new Utah shirt, the Ironman 3 blue-ray, a tub of chocolate covered almonds, and a Payday candy bar, and of course money from my parents and his parents.  I think it was a really fun and memorable night!  Here's to celebrating 40 more birthdays with my main squeeze!

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