"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, April 5, 2009

General Conference

Do weekends get any better than this? What an amazing Conference. I needed this for many reasons, but mainly because something has come up and I'm in need of serious inspiration. I won't get into exactly what has come up, but I will in a later post. I was actually able to sit, watch, and take notes during all four sessions. That hasn't happened since I was single. I used to look at Conference as if it was a vacation from church. I won't ever do that again.

There were so many talks that seemed to be aimed directly at me. And the best part is that the Lord spared me morning sickness this weekend so I was able to fully concentrate on what was being taught. Yesterday Cody had to go into work and I wasn't expecting to gain anything from the talks, but to my astonishment the kids played together nicely and didn't need much attention from me. Then this morning we had our traditional Conference breakfast burritos and hasbrowns (all from scratch) and I didn't have to throw up once! Yea for small victories.

Cody watched almost all of both sessions with me today. I cried like a baby during President Monson's morning talk. After the afternoon session we watched "The Other Side of Heaven" which was aired on our PBS station here. That is a great movie and I think Cody even got choked up at the end. Then tonight we had pot roast and potatoes for dinner and the kids are bathed, ready for bed, and the kitchen is clean, and it's only 7:30!

This has been the weekend I've needed. I am fully energized and ready to meet life's demands tomorrow. I am so thankful for the gospel. I'm not a member of the church simply because I was raised that way. I have an incredibly firm testimony of Jesus Christ, our prophets of old, and our current prophet and leaders. I hate to think of where I would be without such blessings in my life. I know that Christ lives and that He knows me by name. I know that mine can be an eternal family and that He paved the way for that. I know that the counsel we receive from our church leaders is directly from the Lord and that they are inspired. We have the fullness of the gospel on the earth today. What a great time to be alive! My heart is full.


Mandy said...

I am so glad that you had such a great weekend! I think you needed it. And, Conference was fantastic, I totally have to agree with you on that!

Love ya!

Bel said...

I cried all Sunday with the conference talks and the in between temple documentaries, my pregnancy hormones got the best of me, haha! J was not feeling good so we relaxed at home and ended up watching the same movie (On the Other Side of Heaven) on TV just like you, hehe! I always cry with it but this time I cried even more, I am so wimpy!!