Thursday, August 30, 2007
Our Van
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Worst Mom Day
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Yummy Cereal
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Baby and Minivan
As of today we are minivan people. I have been doing a ton of shopping around online comparing vans and on the phone with pushy dealer after pushy dealer. All vans start to look the same after a while. We have looked at Hondas, Dodges, Chryslers, and Toyotas. We landed on a Toyota Sienna from a dealer in town. It is a 2005 model with very low miles and is completely loaded, still under warranty! The options we are getting with it are just an extra perk- we really didn't need them. But we got SUCH a great deal on it that we couldn't pass it up. What I love most about it (besides the power sliding door) is the 8 passenger capacity. The 2nd row is made up of 3 bucket seats and any of them can come out or fold down to make it a 7 passenger if we want to. My doc appointment today ran way late but Cody went down to the dealer and signed some papers. We are deciding which credit union to finance through so it will still be another week before we have the car, but it is as good as ours. I am so relieved to have car shopping behind us! I spent all morning at dealers and on the phone and I am beat. It's pretty hard juggling a pregnant body and too small kids at a car dealer.
This is just a stock photo, but it is just like ours except the color. Ours is pueter.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Lazy and Dirty Sunday
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Miniature Golf
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tantrums and Swelling
Don't let this angel face fool you. He can really be the devil at times!
I am so swollen right now. It is no joke being big and pregnant during August! But still, I would rather take this than having morning sickness during August. Yesterday my visiting teachers were over and I was sitting with my legs crossed at the ankles. After about 20 minutes I changed positions and one of my visiting teachers gasped and said "You have skin like play dough!" I had a huge indention on my leg caused by the other being crossed over it. It was pretty yucky.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Out of Comission
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
All of My Babies (32 Weeks)
Well I have done it. Today I had my 32 week check up, stepped on the scale, and it hit 200. 201 to be exact, and that was AFTER I emptied my bladder and took off my sandals that weighed 1 ounce. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry! Still don't know why I gain so much pregnancy weight. Some people just do I guess. The doc isn't worried so I'm not. Everything is peachy keen with me and the baby. Low BP still (100/60) but it's still within normal limits.
These are FILM pictures I took while at my parent's house. I got them developed today and I love them! Ethan looks so grown up and handsome! I love how he and Hailey are such good friends. I know it won't always be like this, but it is so sweet for now.
Lazy Eye Card Swap
First things first. I took Heather to the ophthalmologist this morning to have her possible lazy eye checked out. That was not a fun test! But everything is fine. The doctor wants to see her back in one year to make sure that nothing more has developed. Heather had a terrible time during the exam getting poked and messed with and then she had to have 2 different kinds of drops put in her eyes. They burned! But I think her big brother had an even harder time. He is so protective of his little sister and he covered his ears and kept yelling "Stop hurting my sister!!" I hope he always loves her this much. I treated them both to Happy Meals afterwards. It's amazing how a little salt, fat, and sugar can soothe the soul.
These are the two cards I made this month for card swap. Even though the ward split, I'm still going to the old group's swap on Thursday. The theme is "Get Well". My card isn't anything fancy, but it works!
Then next week we are meeting for the first time in our new ward's group. The theme is "Thank You". You can never have too many of those cards on hand! The little stamped squares on that one were more time consuming than I thought they would be.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Back in the Groove!
Last Saturday we went to Dinosaur Park and had a lot of fun. Heather couldn't strop growling each time she saw a dinosaur. Evan was a little skiddish at first (as always) but he didn't want to leave when it was time to go.
We went grocery shopping and Evan had fun pushing his own cart. By the end of the trip Toby
was actually pushing Evan in the little cart. It was so funny. I would have taken a picture but my battery had died.
Heather had her 18 month check up a week ago. I can't believe she is 18 months old! That meant her first Sunday in nursery was last week too. She did incredibly well. I can't say I'm too surprised about that. She is such a go-getter, not shy at all. She loves music and singing and when we got to nursery they were starting singing time. She immediately was enthralled with that, so I made a break for the door. She has done wonderfully since!
I forgot to mention in the anniversary blog that Toby had a huge bouquet of roses delivered to our B&B room and they were waiting for me when we arrived. I meant to take a picture the next day but I forgot. This picture doesn't do them justice. They have started to wilt and I took out some of the "filler" flowers because they were smelling funny. But they were so gorgeous when they were fresh. He is such a great hubby!