I've been reading "100 things" about some friends on their blogs and I thought I'd take a minute to talk about myself too. This blog is 95% about my husband and kids but I'd like to take the spotlight for once. I also TAG anyone with this same post, if you've got an hour to kill.
1. I was born and raised in Houston, Tx.
2. I went to the 2nd largest high school in Texas.
3. When I was seven years old I stole a package of red Lee press on nails from Safeway and felt guilty about it for a year. I never wore them. In fact I hid the unopened package between the piano and the wall. Don't ask me why I chose that location to hide them.
4. I am number four of seven children.
5. I am a second generation member of the church in my family. My parents are converts.
6. I just turned 28.
7. My family moved from Houston in 1999 to a tiny town near Fort Worth. But I still call Houston home.
8. I met my husband on the internet!!
9. I was married 2 months after I turned 22.
10. Cody (husband) and I have the same order of kids in our families, except my youngest sister who throws things off. Both of our families go: boy, boy, girl, girl, boy, boy...and then my line ends with another girl.
11. My middle name is Noelle and I love it. Actually I am a big fan of my first and middle name.
12. My hair is naturally dark brown and that is how I choose to wear it also. I think that a person's natural hair color is the most flattering to their skin tone. God knows what he is doing with color.
13. Right now my hair is cut at my chin and I hate it. I had short hair once before when Ethan was small and I swore I would never cut it short again. I don't know what I was thinking this time.
14. I have DDD cup boobs, DD when I am not nursing or pregnant. I wish I was a C cup.
15. I absolutely love nursing babies and am a huge advocate of it.
16. I am a chronic insomniac. I was a wonderful sleeper until I was 10 weeks pregnant with Hailey. Then something went terrible wrong and I lost the ability to sleep. No joke, LOST the ability to sleep. 3 years later I am finally re-learning how to sleep efficiently. It is amazing how little sleep I function on.
17. My husband and I do not sleep in the same bedroom. Ever since I developed a sleeping disorder we have not been in the same bed. At times I feel like we are room mates because of this. I LONG to be normal again and fall asleep with my husband and wake up together. I envy people that are able to do this. Maybe one day we will be a normal couple again :(
18. I am a firm believer in attachment style parenting.
19. I have 3 incredible children relatively close in age.
20. I want a 4th child before my youngest turns 2.
21. When I was in youth my favorite day of the week was Wednesday because I loved YW activities.
22. My first real crush was on Dan Bos. He was in the neighboring ward that met at our building. That is another reason I looked forward to Wednesday nights.
23. Dan never knew I was alive.
24. I have never been to another country, nor do I have the desire to go. I am a home body.
25. I have had 3 c-sections and regret it terribly.
26. I love hot chocolate.
27. I hate the snow. Even at Christmas.
28. I only like Christmas because I have to feel like a good mom. Otherwise, I do not like it and would likely boycot it. I hate the commercialism behind it, but I love the Christ aspect of it.
29. July is my favorite month and 4th of July is my favorite holiday.
30. I am a HUGE planner. Check lists, schedules, charts, etc. I hope to instill this into my children.
31. I long to move back to Texas. I try not to think about it because it makes me so homesick.
32. I have a brother in prison who will be out on parole this September. Despite him being a convict, he is an incredible guy with an incredible testimony of the gospel.
33. When I was a kid I planned every Family Home Evening every week and it drove my siblings bonkers.
34. I can't wait to gets my kids really involved in FHE. I still love it! They are getting old enough now that they sort of get it.
35. Schlitterbahn is the most magical place on earth.
36. I was on swim team and I miss it.
37. I was a lifeguard and I managed pools/facilities for a few years. I also taught swim classes.
38. I have done CPR on a person and revived them.
39. I have never broken a bone, but always wanted to when I was a kid so I could wear a cast.
40. I almost had my tonsils taken out once but I chickened out. Now I am glad, despite chronic tonsillitis during the winter. If God did not intend for us to have certain organs He would not have given them to us. I am looking for a medical alternative to surgery to fix the problem.
41. I have gotten pregnant 3 times of different forms of birth control.
42. I love my eyes. Color, shape, everything about them.
43. I think global warming is a load of crap. 5% factual, 95% crap. I belive that the earth is in fact going througha cycle, but it is not human caused like many peopl think.
44. I usually cried on the last day of school each year. I am the most sentimental person I know.
45. I am the ultimate chronicler. Journals, pictures, memoirs, you name it. I love to document things that happen in my life.
46. I love to write. I CLEPed my writing classes in college but wish I hadn't because I love writing so much.
47. I played musical college. It took me a while to pick a school and stay there. I ended up at the U of U.
48. I love to wear make up and can't stand to leave the house with out it.
49. I love perfume and feel naked with out it.
50. I love big earrings.
51. I don't like cookie cutter housing developments, but sadly we live in one. All of the houses are beige, which is not my favorite color for a house. But it is a good starter house.
52. I love to golf but I'm not good at it.
53. I doin't like trends. When I see that Hollywood has adopted a new way of doing something (like going greem for example) I diliberately run the other way. I hate how phony trends are.
54. I am terrified of plumbing on swimming pools. Drains, paipes, etc. This is ironic because of all the swimming I did and how many pools I maintained. When I swam and was in a lane that went over a drain, I would clinch my eyes and swim super fast over the drain. When I swim in a new pool for the first time I always have to scope out where the drains and pipes are first. I gives me the willies!
55. I would die for Blue Bell mint chocolate chip ice cream.
56. I think that tan fat looks way better than white fat, so I always try to be tan.
57. I would like to have six children.
58. I drive a 2005 Toyota Sienna LE and love it!
59. I am terrified of one of my children dying.
60. I co-sleep half the night with my baby.
61. I believe babies are supposed to be worn.
62. I have a wonderful relationship with both of my parents.
63. I was married in the Salt Lake temple.
64. I love to wear bright colors and I think most people do not look good in neutral colors.
65. I will not dye my hair when I start graying (I do not have a single gray hair on my head, but I think gray hair is beautiful).
66. My husband is starting to get a gray spot above his ears and I think it is so cute.
67. I would home school my children if I weren't afraid of them being social retards.
68. I appreciate the stretch marks on my stomach and I see them as a badge of honor.
69. When I was 14 I was caught shoplifting a week before Christmas.
70. I love Halloween but I hate that it is in the fall.
71. I love Snickers and Milky Ways.
72. I am fascinated by outer space and I love studying about galaxies, stars, and planets. I am blown away at how large Jupiter is.
73. If I had to chose between a sexy quarter back and a science nerd who is brilliant, I would pick the nerd every time.
74. I LOATHE psychiatrists and most psychologists.
75. I have had two substantial stays in the psych ward both during my pregnancy with Hailey and postpartum. The docs (psychs) in that place are as sick or sicker than
the patients.
76. I have all the seasons of "Saved By The Bell" on DVD (except the dumb New Class ones...lame!). I have seen them each a million times and within the first 10 seconds of any episode I can tell you exactly which one it is. BTW, Cody has the exact same birthday (month/day/year) as Mario Lopez (AKA Slater)!
77. When I was 16 I had a pretty rebelious streak and I quit going to seminary even though I was the president. One night at 8:30 my seminary teacher came over to my house and kidnapped me. He had his three small kids in the car (his wife was at some meeting at church). The kids were in their pjs and he took me to Dairy Queen to get ice cream. He talked some sense into me that night and things turned around for the better. I owe so much to Jerry V. He in a big way saved me. He and his wife were at our sealing and I will always consider them family.
78. I cry at the drop of a hat. I think I must have over-active tear ducts!
79. Jack Weyland's "Charlie" is one of the saddest stories every thought up. Just thinking about that movie can make me bawl like a baby....okay stop thinking about it!!
80. I am a people person and I think I have a gift for making a person feel comfortable around me. At least I have been told this!
81. My mom has a PhD in pharmacy. She is one of the most gifted people I know.
82. Six of the kids in my family have blue eyes like my mom. I am the only kid who got my dad's green eyes. I feel a special connection with him because of that.
83. I LOVE photography. I dabbled in it in high school and college and absolutely love it. Even though film is out dated, there is still something magical about working with film and spending time in a dark room. I inherited this from my dad! He is an excellent photographer.
84. I love playing Barbies and can't wait until my girls are old enough to play with them too. I already have a mad collection waiting for them!
85. I play the piano. I find solace in it and it's how I unwind. When my hubby hears me playing he knows that I am trying to relax so he makes sure the kids don't bother me. It's MY time and I'm grateful for his understanding of that. I would love to teach piano lessons. Maybe I will one day when I have a better piano.
86. I am very much in love with Cody. My heart still skips a beat when I see his number show up on caller ID during the day, or when I hear his car pull in after work.
87. I play guitar and one time I wrote a mean song about my little sister and sang it for her while I played. That was so mean of me. What a terrible way to use a talent!
88. My toenails never grow past the quick. I don't know why...maybe the break off. They are short and I never have to trim them.
89. I mow the lawn barefoot, as I do almost every activity when I can. I love mowing the lawn and doing yard work. They is something very theraputic about it.
90. I MUST have a clean kitchen and a scrubber/polished sink. It does my heart so much good to have things clean in there.
91. I am the happiest and at peace when my house is clean. Cody doesn't understand this about me. I can not wind down at night until the kitchen is clean. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, right? When I came home from the hospital after having Lauren, it was 10:30 at night (long story as to why it was so late.) I walked into the house and it was the worst disaster I have ever seen. I had a melt down. I did NOT need to come home to that! To this day Cody does not understand why I went nuts when I saw the condition of the house. Come on fellow mommies, you get it...don't you? Tell me I'm not alone in feelig like this!
92. I wish I was a better cook. I probably could be if I had more time to devote to it.
93. I don't like Mac 'n Cheese, unless it is MY homemade recipe which is amazing.
94. I love to sew and I wish I had more time for it. I love to make my girls' dresses.
95. I love the feeling of warm pavement beneath my bare feet.
96. I love being pregnant. I don't feel good while I'm pregnant. (in fact I am sicker than a dog for four months and had to go on an IV with Lauren) But I try to cherish every moment of it. The day after the baby is born I cry hard because I miss it so much. Pregnancy is so amazing to me.
97. I wish my family knew how much I love them. My siblings and I don't talk that much and we've never been very touchy feely with each other, but I hope they know how much they mean to me. I don't want any one of them missing from Heaven because I don't think it will be Heaven without them there.
98. I love watching funny movies with Cody because he makes me laugh so hard. Even if it's not a particularly funny thing to me, it suddenly becomes hilarious when Cody starts splitting his sides. I love it!
99. Cody is my best friend. We have been through so much together, but there is no one else on earth that I would rather walk through Hell with than him. I'm so lucky to have him by my side. He is an incredible father to our children and partner to me. BTW, he is 6 1/2 years older than me!!
100. I have had the pleasure and blessing of KNOWING and having a good relationship with all four of my garndparents. Not many people can say that. My mom's mom is still living and she is 91 years young. She is an amazing person!
1. I was born and raised in Houston, Tx.
2. I went to the 2nd largest high school in Texas.
3. When I was seven years old I stole a package of red Lee press on nails from Safeway and felt guilty about it for a year. I never wore them. In fact I hid the unopened package between the piano and the wall. Don't ask me why I chose that location to hide them.
4. I am number four of seven children.
5. I am a second generation member of the church in my family. My parents are converts.
6. I just turned 28.
7. My family moved from Houston in 1999 to a tiny town near Fort Worth. But I still call Houston home.
8. I met my husband on the internet!!
9. I was married 2 months after I turned 22.
10. Cody (husband) and I have the same order of kids in our families, except my youngest sister who throws things off. Both of our families go: boy, boy, girl, girl, boy, boy...and then my line ends with another girl.
11. My middle name is Noelle and I love it. Actually I am a big fan of my first and middle name.
12. My hair is naturally dark brown and that is how I choose to wear it also. I think that a person's natural hair color is the most flattering to their skin tone. God knows what he is doing with color.
13. Right now my hair is cut at my chin and I hate it. I had short hair once before when Ethan was small and I swore I would never cut it short again. I don't know what I was thinking this time.
14. I have DDD cup boobs, DD when I am not nursing or pregnant. I wish I was a C cup.
15. I absolutely love nursing babies and am a huge advocate of it.
16. I am a chronic insomniac. I was a wonderful sleeper until I was 10 weeks pregnant with Hailey. Then something went terrible wrong and I lost the ability to sleep. No joke, LOST the ability to sleep. 3 years later I am finally re-learning how to sleep efficiently. It is amazing how little sleep I function on.
17. My husband and I do not sleep in the same bedroom. Ever since I developed a sleeping disorder we have not been in the same bed. At times I feel like we are room mates because of this. I LONG to be normal again and fall asleep with my husband and wake up together. I envy people that are able to do this. Maybe one day we will be a normal couple again :(
18. I am a firm believer in attachment style parenting.
19. I have 3 incredible children relatively close in age.
20. I want a 4th child before my youngest turns 2.
21. When I was in youth my favorite day of the week was Wednesday because I loved YW activities.
22. My first real crush was on Dan Bos. He was in the neighboring ward that met at our building. That is another reason I looked forward to Wednesday nights.
23. Dan never knew I was alive.
24. I have never been to another country, nor do I have the desire to go. I am a home body.
25. I have had 3 c-sections and regret it terribly.
26. I love hot chocolate.
27. I hate the snow. Even at Christmas.
28. I only like Christmas because I have to feel like a good mom. Otherwise, I do not like it and would likely boycot it. I hate the commercialism behind it, but I love the Christ aspect of it.
29. July is my favorite month and 4th of July is my favorite holiday.
30. I am a HUGE planner. Check lists, schedules, charts, etc. I hope to instill this into my children.
31. I long to move back to Texas. I try not to think about it because it makes me so homesick.
32. I have a brother in prison who will be out on parole this September. Despite him being a convict, he is an incredible guy with an incredible testimony of the gospel.
33. When I was a kid I planned every Family Home Evening every week and it drove my siblings bonkers.
34. I can't wait to gets my kids really involved in FHE. I still love it! They are getting old enough now that they sort of get it.
35. Schlitterbahn is the most magical place on earth.
36. I was on swim team and I miss it.
37. I was a lifeguard and I managed pools/facilities for a few years. I also taught swim classes.
38. I have done CPR on a person and revived them.
39. I have never broken a bone, but always wanted to when I was a kid so I could wear a cast.
40. I almost had my tonsils taken out once but I chickened out. Now I am glad, despite chronic tonsillitis during the winter. If God did not intend for us to have certain organs He would not have given them to us. I am looking for a medical alternative to surgery to fix the problem.
41. I have gotten pregnant 3 times of different forms of birth control.
42. I love my eyes. Color, shape, everything about them.
43. I think global warming is a load of crap. 5% factual, 95% crap. I belive that the earth is in fact going througha cycle, but it is not human caused like many peopl think.
44. I usually cried on the last day of school each year. I am the most sentimental person I know.
45. I am the ultimate chronicler. Journals, pictures, memoirs, you name it. I love to document things that happen in my life.
46. I love to write. I CLEPed my writing classes in college but wish I hadn't because I love writing so much.
47. I played musical college. It took me a while to pick a school and stay there. I ended up at the U of U.
48. I love to wear make up and can't stand to leave the house with out it.
49. I love perfume and feel naked with out it.
50. I love big earrings.
51. I don't like cookie cutter housing developments, but sadly we live in one. All of the houses are beige, which is not my favorite color for a house. But it is a good starter house.
52. I love to golf but I'm not good at it.
53. I doin't like trends. When I see that Hollywood has adopted a new way of doing something (like going greem for example) I diliberately run the other way. I hate how phony trends are.
54. I am terrified of plumbing on swimming pools. Drains, paipes, etc. This is ironic because of all the swimming I did and how many pools I maintained. When I swam and was in a lane that went over a drain, I would clinch my eyes and swim super fast over the drain. When I swim in a new pool for the first time I always have to scope out where the drains and pipes are first. I gives me the willies!
55. I would die for Blue Bell mint chocolate chip ice cream.
56. I think that tan fat looks way better than white fat, so I always try to be tan.
57. I would like to have six children.
58. I drive a 2005 Toyota Sienna LE and love it!
59. I am terrified of one of my children dying.
60. I co-sleep half the night with my baby.
61. I believe babies are supposed to be worn.
62. I have a wonderful relationship with both of my parents.
63. I was married in the Salt Lake temple.
64. I love to wear bright colors and I think most people do not look good in neutral colors.
65. I will not dye my hair when I start graying (I do not have a single gray hair on my head, but I think gray hair is beautiful).
66. My husband is starting to get a gray spot above his ears and I think it is so cute.
67. I would home school my children if I weren't afraid of them being social retards.
68. I appreciate the stretch marks on my stomach and I see them as a badge of honor.
69. When I was 14 I was caught shoplifting a week before Christmas.
70. I love Halloween but I hate that it is in the fall.
71. I love Snickers and Milky Ways.
72. I am fascinated by outer space and I love studying about galaxies, stars, and planets. I am blown away at how large Jupiter is.
73. If I had to chose between a sexy quarter back and a science nerd who is brilliant, I would pick the nerd every time.
74. I LOATHE psychiatrists and most psychologists.
75. I have had two substantial stays in the psych ward both during my pregnancy with Hailey and postpartum. The docs (psychs) in that place are as sick or sicker than
the patients.
76. I have all the seasons of "Saved By The Bell" on DVD (except the dumb New Class ones...lame!). I have seen them each a million times and within the first 10 seconds of any episode I can tell you exactly which one it is. BTW, Cody has the exact same birthday (month/day/year) as Mario Lopez (AKA Slater)!
77. When I was 16 I had a pretty rebelious streak and I quit going to seminary even though I was the president. One night at 8:30 my seminary teacher came over to my house and kidnapped me. He had his three small kids in the car (his wife was at some meeting at church). The kids were in their pjs and he took me to Dairy Queen to get ice cream. He talked some sense into me that night and things turned around for the better. I owe so much to Jerry V. He in a big way saved me. He and his wife were at our sealing and I will always consider them family.
78. I cry at the drop of a hat. I think I must have over-active tear ducts!
79. Jack Weyland's "Charlie" is one of the saddest stories every thought up. Just thinking about that movie can make me bawl like a baby....okay stop thinking about it!!
80. I am a people person and I think I have a gift for making a person feel comfortable around me. At least I have been told this!
81. My mom has a PhD in pharmacy. She is one of the most gifted people I know.
82. Six of the kids in my family have blue eyes like my mom. I am the only kid who got my dad's green eyes. I feel a special connection with him because of that.
83. I LOVE photography. I dabbled in it in high school and college and absolutely love it. Even though film is out dated, there is still something magical about working with film and spending time in a dark room. I inherited this from my dad! He is an excellent photographer.
84. I love playing Barbies and can't wait until my girls are old enough to play with them too. I already have a mad collection waiting for them!
85. I play the piano. I find solace in it and it's how I unwind. When my hubby hears me playing he knows that I am trying to relax so he makes sure the kids don't bother me. It's MY time and I'm grateful for his understanding of that. I would love to teach piano lessons. Maybe I will one day when I have a better piano.
86. I am very much in love with Cody. My heart still skips a beat when I see his number show up on caller ID during the day, or when I hear his car pull in after work.
87. I play guitar and one time I wrote a mean song about my little sister and sang it for her while I played. That was so mean of me. What a terrible way to use a talent!
88. My toenails never grow past the quick. I don't know why...maybe the break off. They are short and I never have to trim them.
89. I mow the lawn barefoot, as I do almost every activity when I can. I love mowing the lawn and doing yard work. They is something very theraputic about it.
90. I MUST have a clean kitchen and a scrubber/polished sink. It does my heart so much good to have things clean in there.
91. I am the happiest and at peace when my house is clean. Cody doesn't understand this about me. I can not wind down at night until the kitchen is clean. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, right? When I came home from the hospital after having Lauren, it was 10:30 at night (long story as to why it was so late.) I walked into the house and it was the worst disaster I have ever seen. I had a melt down. I did NOT need to come home to that! To this day Cody does not understand why I went nuts when I saw the condition of the house. Come on fellow mommies, you get it...don't you? Tell me I'm not alone in feelig like this!
92. I wish I was a better cook. I probably could be if I had more time to devote to it.
93. I don't like Mac 'n Cheese, unless it is MY homemade recipe which is amazing.
94. I love to sew and I wish I had more time for it. I love to make my girls' dresses.
95. I love the feeling of warm pavement beneath my bare feet.
96. I love being pregnant. I don't feel good while I'm pregnant. (in fact I am sicker than a dog for four months and had to go on an IV with Lauren) But I try to cherish every moment of it. The day after the baby is born I cry hard because I miss it so much. Pregnancy is so amazing to me.
97. I wish my family knew how much I love them. My siblings and I don't talk that much and we've never been very touchy feely with each other, but I hope they know how much they mean to me. I don't want any one of them missing from Heaven because I don't think it will be Heaven without them there.
98. I love watching funny movies with Cody because he makes me laugh so hard. Even if it's not a particularly funny thing to me, it suddenly becomes hilarious when Cody starts splitting his sides. I love it!
99. Cody is my best friend. We have been through so much together, but there is no one else on earth that I would rather walk through Hell with than him. I'm so lucky to have him by my side. He is an incredible father to our children and partner to me. BTW, he is 6 1/2 years older than me!!
100. I have had the pleasure and blessing of KNOWING and having a good relationship with all four of my garndparents. Not many people can say that. My mom's mom is still living and she is 91 years young. She is an amazing person!
Veronica, I DO understand how you feel about a clean house. I would have had a meltdown too, had I come back from the hospital with the house being trashed.
That's really cool to get to know you better. Thanks for sharing. I might need that homemade mac and cheese recipe!
Um, yeah....number 87....I'm still bitter about that. GAH! JUK! (imagine this in Mick's voice)
I didn't know you met Cody on the internet! I need to hear the story sometime! Plus, I might just need your macaroni and cheese recipe...
This is Jason.....1:I thought the exact thing about #32. 2: Give people a link to the Schlitterbahn website, unless you're from Tejas you just don't get it! 3: Blue Bell, DQ, Big Hair, Big Earings, Lots of Makeup, Mowin barefoot... you can take the girl outta Tx but you can't take Tx outta the girl!!
That is so fun. You did a lot better than I did. I had a hard time coming up with 100 things. I remember the half-orange hair in HS. I'm glad you like your natural color now:) I love the VanLeuvens too. I think they had a lot of influence on all of us early morningers. Thanks for telling us more about you!
Wow, I can't believe I just read all of that...only because it's almost midnight and I've been looking at blogs since 10pm. But I loved reading it. And here are my comments about it:
I too love saved by the bell.
Jake and I sleep in the same room, but in different beds (he moves a lot)
And I too cry at the drop of a hat. Jake would say that I'm the most sensitive and sentimental gal he knows. So I guess we should never watch a sad movie together (not enough tissues)!
I loved reading that. It was a fun way to get to know more about you!
P.S. I forgot to say that I too was obsessed with Barbies growing up. I think I played with them until I was like 16. Sad I know...I did it secretly so none of my friends would know.
I have a barbie closet that my great g-pa made out of great wood. It was passed down to me and I can't wait to give it to Lydia when she's old enough.
I learned something new about you! Fun to read....good info.
oh Veronica...I can't believe you told the world your cup size...pure Veronica! You must really be embarrassed or proud?! Only you. Hope your all having fun on Vacation.
Where to start...
I want to go to Schlitterbahn! I've wanted to go there for years!
Amen to the crap of global warming! Remind me to tell you about Nate's business plan....
You are correct, tan fat looks WAY better than white fat!
You're a riot. Thanks for sharing.
i love that you wrote all of that. i didn't know you met cody on the internet or that you want 6 kids or that you have such strong opinions of global warming, short hair, trends, and christmas! thanks for letting me get to know you better.
Okay that picture is so cute, I don't know how you say that you were weird looking as a young woman, cool hair, hehe! Did you have braces?? Can't tell very well.
the grey hair one totally stuck out to me because I HAVE to die my hair every 4-6 weeks because I have so much grey hair! I think you will change your mind once you start getting it...especially if you start out young! (Mine first appeared 2 years ago when I was 24 and now there is not a root on my head that is not grey when it starts growing out! talk about sad!)
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