"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, August 9, 2009

30 Weeks!

Holy moly! I am in the final lap. This pregnancy has gone by way too quickly. Part of me is very ready to have this baby, but another part of me wants to keep him in my belly forever. Today's one of those days where I could keep him inside longer than 10 more weeks. Read my following post and you'll understand why.

Yesterday we had a tiny scare because his activity level suddenly dropped. After doing a few kick counts during the day (all of which he failed) and eating a REALLY high carb dinner, I laid down for another kick count and was not at all satisfied. I called Dr. Mike and he said to get up to the hospital for an NST. We were about to leave for our ward's swim party and I was disappointed that I couldn't go, but making sure the baby was okay was our number one priority. I was proud of Cody for taking the kids to the pool anyway. He'd never done that before with all three, but he did great.

The NST was 100% perfect. Our little guy passed with flying colors and they didn't understand why he wasn't being active. Goliath is ALWAYS kicking and punching. It was such a relief to hear his strong heart beat on the monitor. And then the midwife did an ultrasound and that was fun getting to see him again. It's amazing how he has grown in eleven weeks! I saw his tiny hands opening and closing and his little feet kicking around.

Today he has been back to his normal jumpy self and I don't mind at all. I love it in fact. I continue to gain huge amounts of weight. I won't say how much I weigh right now, but I will say that it's only a few pounds shy of how much I weighed when I delivered Lauren. I will GREATLY surpass that weight when he's done cooking!

I have figured out my severe anemia issue. I've been taking extra iron this whole pregnancy, but my BP and circulation keeps giving me fits and I've continued to be very anemic. They finally figured out that I've been taking all of my vitamins at one time, including iron and calcium together. Well, duh! Remembering way back when from chemistry days, iron and calcium both have a positive charge and can cancel each other out. It causes neither of them to be absorbed efficiently. Once I started spacing my iron and calcium consumption apart by twelve hours, within days I started seeing a huge improvement. In fact, my BP last night was a perfect 103/65. I haven't had nearly as many (near) fainting spells either.

I continue to swell and heartburn is a constant companion. But it's all so worth it to get this little guy here. I only have ten more weeks of him being ONLY mine so I'm trying to cherish each day. I always have a hard time when the new baby is born and I'm suddenly forced to share. But for now, he is all mine.


Ute Family said...

First of all, I am so sorry once again for your last night. Hopefully tonight is a bit better.

And wow! 30 weeks. I seriously am so happy for you. I hope your last ten go smoothly with no problems. And who cares how much weight you've gained...you're adorable!

Jeanette said...

You look so cute pregnant! The next ten weeks will fly by.

Joey and Nettifer said...

ok scary! I hated that i never felt Izabel move. Scary feeling but so glad he is ok. Only 10 more weeks!

Julie said...

30 weeks already! Wow, soon...

On the having to share baby when he is born, get a sling and wear him. That is what I do :D

On the heartburn issue, again I will suggest taking probiotics. They help with mine. I take one capsul most nights before bed.

I hope you keep on feeling good. I am sure in a few weeks you will want him out, lol.
