"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, August 9, 2009

All In A Day's Work

My day started this morning about 2 a.m. I had fallen asleep on the couch while watching TV, when I woke up to a very familiar moan. Hailey was laying on our bedroom floor and was holding her stomach. Within a few seconds she began to throw up. The fun part is that she'd eaten a bag of Swedish Fish the evening before. Mmmm, that was fun to clean up. To make a long story short, she threw up almost every 15 minutes for the next five hours. It was like her stomach was on a timer. And she would cry and moan and hold her gut in between puke sessions. Neither of us slept a wink all night long.

I had meetings before church as always, but there was no way I was making it today. I called our Bishopric counselor and then one my my own counselors to let them know, then I TRIED to get a little sleep now that I had Cody's help. I was glad he slept through the night's ordeal because he was now wide awake and ready to tackle the illness. Then Ethan started hurling. Every...surface...covered...with...vomit. Between the two of those kids, our house is in shambles.

I made it to church at 2:00 just in time to take care of Primary and honestly, that was so much easier than being at home today. When I walked back in the door at 4:30 I was greeted with the pungent sour smell that I'd left behind two hours earlier. Ugh. What a fun day. I think the worst is behind us for now. That is- until Lauren, Cody, and I start in on the fun. I'm sure of us will be awake tonight throwing up. But for now I've got some really stinky kids to bathe.

I want to thank who ever it was that passed this illness onto my family. You made today interesting for us.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I am so sorry your kids were sick. I will suggest you, Cody and Lauren take some probiotics asap, it will help take care of this stomach bug. Trust me, lol.
