"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lauren- 5 Months Old




Happy 5 months, Lauren!! This has been such a crazy and fun 5 months. I can't believe almost half a year has passed. Last night at about 8:00 the kids and I were on the couch and I had a "deja-vu" type feeling. Oh yeah! Exactly 5 months before to the hour is when Hailey kicked me in the stomach and made Lauren be born the next day. She just gets cuter and funnier each day. It's so fun to watch her personality evolve more and more. She rarely fusses for anything. As long as she has a full belly, a clean diaper, and isn't too tired she is so happy. If I could be guaranteed that all of our future babies would be this good we would have 10 more!

But the little stinker still wakes up every 3 hours on th dot to eat. And she eats a FULL meal each time! Even a little bit of rice cereal isn't satisfying her. She must be hitting a major growth spurt. Oh well, no worries. I put her to bed in her pack 'n play next to our bed, then she sleeps until about 1:30, and when she wakes up I put her in bed with me to feed her. I fall right back to sleep after she latches on. Then she wakes up 3 hours later to eat and half the time I don't realize she is eating again. I feel like a mother dog with a puppy nuzzled up to me eating all night long.

She still hasn't fully rolled over yet. She can't quite make it over that arm. And she is "talking" a whole lot more than she was a month ago. She mimics everything I say. So cute. Oh yeah, she poops out of her clothes round the clock. She is my first baby to do that! No wonder she poops so much because she eats so much. We love you sweet Lauren girl!

The kids were hiding under the blanket and acting silly. Turns out Hailey was trying to feed Lauren with her plastic baby doll bottle!

Just for fun, pictures of Ethan and Hailey at 5 months too.



Staci said...

She really looks like Cody. Why do babies always look like their dads?

jess... said...

oooooooo babies! is it not just crazy how big they all are?

I need your meatloaf reciepe please!

Ute Family said...

I love chubby babies. She is so cute.

Heather Jones said...

Man I had a lot to catch up on your blog you have been busy!!Love all the pictures!!Time goes so fast when they are little too bad that is when they are easiest!!J.K.

Joey and Nettifer said...

Happy 5 months baby! I do have to admit that she is one of the best babies I have ever seen.

Kristi said...

Oh she is a cutie! I can't believe she is 5 months! Glad she is such a good baby, I think #3 has to be don't they?

Missy said...

At least Hailey was using a bottle and not trying to nurse her. They are too cute.

Gina said...

Cute babies! Can't believe how fast Lauren is growing up.
It must feel good to have a plan for Ethan's speech. He is such a dang cute kid.
It's funny because every few days Jackson tells me that we are going to go to "Efan's birfday potty" (Ethan's birthday party)... So it was definitely unforgettable to him.