"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If Your Blog Requires...

...word verification to make a comment, I can't leave a comment on your blog. For some reason I can't do it. I don't know what is up with my Blogger account but a few things have been screwy. I hate for my friends to think I am ignoring them! Trust me, I have read blogs every day but can't comment! Aaack! I hope it fixes itself. This is one of the only ways I correspond with people! Another thing that is messed up is all of my icons have been deleted!!!!!! I can't add pictures, links, changes alignment, nothing!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chambers Clan said...

I'm sorry about the blog saga. I don't know how you take that off, because it is so annoying to me. I feel like I can't spell because I can't read that darn font:(

Ute Family said...

What in the world is going on?! Did you change your template or something? It's funny that you say that's how you communicate with people cuz it's so true for me as well. Take you and I for example...I can't remember the last time we talked in person. We just never see eachother. So I won't take it personal ;) Hope it fixes itself!