"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back Injury

We have been pulling up sod in the front yard to extend the front flower bed out further this year. The sod was lying in a pile in the yard and yesterday Cody and I decided we needed to get it moved before it snowed today and weighed it down too much. It would be way more heavy after it was wet. Last night I was frantically trying to get it put in the trash cans as the storm was blowing in. At one point I picked up a large piece and as I threw it I felt a snap in my lower back. I have a history of herniated disks and I think I may have done it again.

I was in so much pain last night. This morning I had to pull myself together because I volunteered weeks ago to do class pictures for all three classes at Ethan's school. The date has been scheduled for a long time and I couldn't back out. Wow, that was a bad morning. Ethan had speech therapy at 4:00 but after we got home we did nothing but watch movies and veg on the couch. I have been lying on frozen vegetables the whole time.

My good friend Emma called today (also my visiting teacher) and I told her what had happened and she insisted on taking my kids. The problem is I have a very hard time accepting help from anyone. I seem to be the first in line to give help, but I can never seem to take it in return. I caved and asked her if she could take Ethan and Hailey for about two hours tomorrow afternoon after I pick him up from school. That way I can have a break and lie down like I'm supposed to be. If I play my cards right Lauren should sleep in her swing by me the whole time.

Sometimes it's so hard being the mom! I need to ask for help more often. Cody has been so good and sweet and has taken over since he got home from work. He always steps up with out being asked. Tonight I took a percocet (leftover from Lauren's birth) and I remember why I have a love hate for the stuff. Wow, it is great at taking the pain away. But I hate how it makes my mind feel. Oh well...for the time being I feel pretty chilled!


Ute Family said...

Wow, that's no good. But you do need to take the help that is offered every once in a while. It's like when people give me a compliment...don't be bashful and diasgree, just take the darn compliment. It's hard sometimes to just let others take care of you! Hopefully you get to feeling better :)

Joey and Nettifer said...

I am so sorry about your back - ouch it just affects everything!