"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Friday, May 30, 2008

Play Date at the Zoo

A few days ago I checked the weather forecast and it showed today was supposed to be a beautiful day. For once they got it right! So I tried to rally some other moms up to plan a zoo outing. I met up with Katie H and Sarah S and their boys there. The place was packed! I guess everyone else had the same idea. My arms actually got a little burned. I love the sun! We had a lot of fun, even though Ethan spent the first part of the trip whining to go ride the train and play on the toys. We did that eventually. The train ride is too short, but it is still fun.

I found out that Sarah is from San Antonio! A fellow Texan and instant bond. We had a good time talking about Texas and how people who aren't from there don't understand it. She knows Schlitterbahn too!

I love the zoo and I can't wait to go back. We buy a zoo pass every year and definitely get our money's worth out of it.


Joey and Nettifer said...

fun in the sun! I wish it would get hotter so we could swim everyday!

Chambers Clan said...

I love the zoo too. We only went for the first time last year and the train wasn't working much to Braden's dissapointment. Hopefully we can go later! Good for you to round up moms. I never take the initiative. I'm glad the weather cooperated.

Allen Family said...

Dang! We were there that same day. Too bad we didn't run into each other!