"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Monday, March 24, 2008

Kitchen Table

I know it is just a far off dream, but I am dying for a new dining set. We are still using the one we got when we were first married. The whole set cost about $200. It is so tiny and totally hashed. You get what you pay for! But it is so hard to justify spending the money on a new set when kids will destroy it. Our current table is so beat up with fork marks, permanent marker, scratches, etc. But I can still dream. I really would love a big table that can comfortably fit eight people around. I am so tired of pulling out the folding chairs whenever we have even one extra person sitting at the table. Maybe one day it will happen. Here are the ones I have my eye on. I really like the oak finish with the black chairs. I think it is a cool and rustic contrast!


Kristi said...

I love the black with the wood, that is what my set is, and I just love it. I knwso what you mean about spending the money when it will just get destroyed, I freak out everytime I hear anything that even sounds like it could be by my table or chairs!!

Chambers Clan said...

I just waited for my sister in law to give us their old one. I love hand-me-downs! That way it doesn't bother me too much if it gets ruined...which is inevitable with 3 little ones!