"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life;
to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ice Cream Bliss

Lauren is really getting into eating anything she can with her hands. Food usually gets plopped right in the middle of her tray and she has a great time playing with it. Some ends up in her mouth while some ends up elsewhere.

Tonight after dinner we were eating ice cream cones. I knew Lauren would want some, and since she was already filthy from the lasagna, I gave her a scoop directly on her tray. She played with it for a while, but then started throwing a hissy for some unknown reason. I thought maybe the dripped ice cream on her skin was cold. Nope, that was not it.

Finally I realized that she wanted MY ice cream cone, so I gave it to her. It was hilarious watching her play with it. She was more interested in eating the pointy part of the cone than the actual ice cream part. Once I handed it to her she was so happy. I put her directly into the bath after this and the water was disgusting after she was clean.


Chambers Clan said...

Why do they go for the bottom? Braden does the same thing! Ice cream is so good in a cone though, I don't blame her! Haley getting into the make up just reminded me of when Braden - yes, my BOY, found mine right before the baby shower at my house. He even bent the stick, so it was not useable anymore. He looked like a raccoon with waterproof mascara all over his eyes, but he was so happy:)

Becky said...

Those are some great pictures! What a cute little baby, I just love her little ponytail. Katelyn is still a little baldie!

Heather Jones said...

You are such a good Mom to let them just get so messy. The mascara thing happens to us all the time. Ken's always wants to put it on. I don't thinks she realizes how crapy it is to have to wear makeup!!!

Ute Family said...

Oh my gosh. I can't handle messes. I would've been doing damage control like every 3 minutes. It is fun though to watch them go to town on food!

Joey and Nettifer said...

look at that fun mess! What a fun mom you are!

melynda said...

you are brave to want to clean up that mess!

Ev said...

I was actually thinking of Skeletor. I think she's coming out of her shell a little. I think she actually wanted me to pet her this afternoon, or at least smell me. She might end up being a good kitty afterall. YOU'LL be there in a week, but I'll be cramming for finals. WOO HOO!!!

PS-AF's right here laughing at Lauren for eating the cone backwards.

Bellblogging said...

Classic pictures! She is so cute!